
Gush Brochure

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Gush daily schedule2018 icon

Daily Schedule


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Afternoon Schedule

We are very sorry to inform you of the passing of

Akiva Shammai Ehrenpreis,

after his long illness, in Maimonides Hospital in Brooklyn. 

Akiva was the older brother of Saadya Ehrenpreis (Darkaynu '06-'10)

Shiva is taking place at:

1004 East 18th Street Between Avenues I and J

Brooklyn, NY 11230


Saadya can be reached at: 718-258-3984

 Saadya would appreciate a phonecall or visitors...


The daily  minyan schedule is:

7:00 am - shacharis

5:45 pm - mincha

9:30 pm - maariv


Shiva will conclude on Friday afternoon, 28 October, with the arrival of Shabbos.

 Shenishma Besurot Tovot.


May Hashem comfort the Mirvis/Graham family
with all those who mourn for Zion and Jerusalem