12 Cheshvan 5775
Shalom Gush Alumni!
Every year, we are pleased to welcome back a significant number of alumni who choose to spend their winter break in Yeshiva. Last year, we piloted a program specifically catering for visiting alumni who are currently in College, with fellowships provided by CTL (The Yeshivat Har Etzion Center for Torah Leadership) and are excited to inform you that the program and fellowships will once again be on offer this year.
To help us put together the best program to cater for your needs, please fill in this form, letting us know if and when you're planning on coming this winter and what you would like be on offer.
To apply for a CTL Fellowship and receive $400 towards the costs of your visit, all you have to do is commit to spending 2 Sedarim a day in Yeshiva for a week and half, either from Monday 29 December to Thursday 8 January, from Thursday 8 January to Sunday 18 January or as part of VeShavu Vanim for MTA alumni and click here to answer some questions about your leadership roles and ambitions.
There are a limited number of subsidies available, so please make sure you respond by the deadline, which is Monday 21 November, after which we will let you know if your application has been accepted. The fellowship is in addition to the 2 free weeks back in Yeshiva which are subsidized by the Yeshiva and continue to be available to all alumni. Preference will be given to applicants who did not receive a CTL fellowship last year.
For more information, please email ctl@haretzion.org or click here to learn about last year's CTL Winter Fellowships.
Looking forward to seeing you!
Rabbi Eli Weber, Director of Overseas Program
Danny Mirvis, Director of CTL