To Aharon Bejell '75 on the loss of his father, Mr. Avraham Bejell z"l
To Larry Finson '75 on the loss of his father, Mr. Morris Finson z"l
To Rav Shmuel Klitsner '75 on the loss of his sister, Mrs. Betsy Shapiro z"l
To Michael Berkowitz '77 on the loss of his mother Mrs. Ruth Berkowitz z"l.
To Rav Daniel Beller '82 on the loss of his mother z"l
To Daniel '83, Anthony '86 and Jonny '86 Kitsberg on the loss of their father, Mr. Leo Kitsberg z"l
To Reuven Bell '90 on the loss of his father, Mr. Alex Bell z"l
To Hillel Silvera '91 on the loss of his father, Mr. Richard (Yehoshua) Silvera z"l
To Rav Pini Cohen '94 on the loss of his father, Rav Chaim Cohen z"l
To Eliav '95 and Noam '96 Silverman on the loss of their mother, Mrs. Anita Silverman z"l
To Yonah Berman '98 on the loss of his mother, Mrs. Bonnie Laks Berman z"l
To Noah Baron '98 on the loss of his father, Mr. Bernard Baron z"l
To Jerry Gontownik on the loss of his brother, Sidney z"l, uncle of Ari '01 and Hillel '09