Baruch Dayan HaEmet
We regret to inform you of the passing of

Mrs. Mady Kra z"l,

mother of Joseph Kra ’99 and
mother/mother-in-law of Rachel and Simcha Schaum ’97.
The funeral took place on Sunday, July 3
and the kevura took place on Monday afternoon
at Eretz Hachaim Cemetery in Bet Shemesh.

Shiva will be observed at 26 Swayze Street in West Orange, NJ
starting Tuesday morning with Shacharis at 7:30am.
Shiva will conclude after davening on Sunday morning.  
Davening times Shacharis on Wednesday and Thursday at 6:25
Friday at 6:50, and Sunday at 8am. 

 Mincha/Maariv Tuesday-Thursday at 8:20 pm. 

May the family be comforted among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.