Baruch Dayan HaEmet
With much sadness and deep sorrow
Yeshivat Har Etzion informs you of the passing of
Naftoli Rickman – Naftoli Meir ben HaRav Binyomin Dovz”l
Beloved son of our alumnus Rabbi Benjy ‘96 and Emily Rickman,
brother of Soroh Leah, Shevy, Yissi, Shaya and Levi Yitzchok
and grandson of Karen Rickman and Ron and Ellen Prowler.
The levaya will be today, Thursday November 7th at 2pm
leaving from 7 Lancaster Drive, Prestwich M25 0HZ
going to Agecroft Cemetery, Salford M27 8SS.
The family will be sitting shiva at 7 Lancaster Drive, Prestwich.
Shacharit: Friday, Sunday – Wednesday 8am
Mincha: Friday 1.15pm, Shabbat 4pm, Sunday – Wednesday 1.15pm
Maariv: Thursday 8pm, Sunday – Wednesday 8pm
The family has requested no visitors between 12pm - 1pm, 5pm - 7pm
and not after 10pm please. Shiva terminates Wednesday morning.
May the family be comforted
among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.