An Incredible Opportunity to Understand the Tefillot of Yom Kippur 


For many, the most difficult part of the יום כיפור davening is the עבודה, also known as אמיץ כח - a long, detailed and intricate description of the process that the כהן גדול would go through on יום כיפור.
After many years of giving his shiur on ליל יום כיפור about אמיץ כח, Rav Pini Cohen has published a book which takes the reader through אמיץ כח, bringing the sources (both תורה שבכתב and תורה שבעל פה) for, and giving context to, each and every stage, from beginning to end.
The cover and samples from the book can be seen below. If you would like to buy a copy (for JUST USD$7.00 or the equivalent 25NIS/AUD$10.00, OR $10 A COPY INCLUDING POSTAGE) please use the PayPal payment form below for an easy and quick processing of your order. Alternatively, be in touch with Mark Steiner ( / +61 422 718 026) as soon as possible, so we can try and get it to you well before יום כיפור. 
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