Herzog Tanakh Study Days – Summer 5773/2013

herzog registration page

Registration is now open!
It is best to register early to ensure your satisfaction. Click here.


This year, the yemei iyun will be held on Sunday thruough Thursday, 29 Tammuz - 4 Menachem Av (July 7-11). The educational tours will take place on Thursday 11 Menachem Av (the 18th of July), one week later.

English classes will be offered on Wednesday and Thursday of the Yemei Iyun - see page 15 in the program for details.

On Tuesday (July 9th), two Tanakh-based tours will take place in English. The tours will leave at 9:30 AM from the parking area near the Yeshiva in Alon Shevut and will end at 5 PM.

The tour numbers are #196, #197, and registration is via the same system as for the classes.

Lunch is not included on the tours.

Participants in the tours can travel to the Yeshiva with the regular transportation of the Yemei Iyun.

An additional tanakh-based tour will be offered in English on the general tour day (July 18th). This tour will begin in Jerusalem like all of the other tours that day.

For more details see the attached pdf brochure. Unfortunately, registration for the Yemei Iyun (including the English classes) is in Hebrew only, both on-line or by hand-written form. See below for help in navigating the Herzog College website page.

For specific questions in English or for assistance in registering, you may call 02-9937300 x 5 or 02-9936351, or email, and we will be happy to help you. takes you to the main Herzog College website page.

Tanakh Study Days takes you to the Tanakh Study Days page.

Clicking on the box that says ENGLISH takes you to a page with some instructions in English, and the list of the English classes.

Clicking on the upper right hand box that says הרשמה מקוונת takes you to the online registration program – there is no separate English registration program. The instructions below are aimed to help you understand the program.

Clicking on the lower right hand box will bring up a registration form that you may print, and mail to Herzog College, Alon Shevut, Gush Etzion 90433, or fax to 077-4448964, or save on your computer, and then email back to .

Only registering online will give you the discount. If we need to enter the information you mail/fax to us, no discount is offered.




NEW: Regisration for classes does not include lunch. If you are interested in registering for lunch, please do so, on the separate link ארוחות. You will find it on the page, along with class, tiyul and transportation registration.


Instructions for on-line registration:

Stage 1: Begin the process by entering your Israeli ID number, OR your passport number in the box that reads תעודת זהות.


Stage 2: Enter your program, including classes (הרצאות), tours (סיורים), transportation (הסעות) and lunch requests (ארוחות), by clicking on links on the right side of the registration page.


Stage 3: You need to click on the Shopping Cart – in Hebrew that appears as עגלת 'עגלת הקניות' (התוכנית שלי).

On your screen will appear your individualized program.


At this point, you are still able to change your choices, by clicking on הסר (that means "remove") and making additional choices.

You can also add another participant with an identical program! Just click on משתתף נוסף לתוכנית זהה


Stage 4: To proceed to the payment page, you need to click on ביצוע העיסקה (which means Processing your transaction.)

At this point, you will see a screen with allows you to update your personal details, on which people who are eligible for a discount , can enter the appropriate information.

After ok'ing your details, the payment screen will appear.


After you process the payment, you can see the program you picked by pressing on ה'חשבוניה'

which appears to the left of the shopping cart. You cannot make changes on this page. If, for any reason, you want to make a change to your program, please contact us by email: (English speakers can write to