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Av 5780 / July 2020 |
In loving memory of Jeffrey Paul Friedman z"lAugust 15, 1968 - July 29, 2012 לע"נ יהודה פנחס בן הרב שרגא פייוועל ז"ל כ"ב אב תשכ"ח - י' אב תשע"ב.ת.נ.צ.ב.ה Dedicated in memory of Esther Leah Cymbalista z"l Niftera 7 B'Av 5766, by her family.
Why Did the Sages Remain Silent? A New Reading of the Aggadot of the Destruction
by Rav Shimon Klein
What is the meaning of redemption in a religious sense? In this sicha, we will note that it is not necessarily implicit in the return of the Jewish People to the Land of Israel.
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The Expulsion from Spain and its Ramifications in Halakha
By Rav Aviad Tabory
The forced exodus of the Jews of Spain and Portugal and their relocation in Jewish communities around the world created challenges regarding the creation of new minyanim and different nusachim. Should the Torah value of unity be a halakhic reason for congregations to merge?
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Women and Mitzvot - The 3 Weeks and the 9 Days
By Debbie Zimmerman, Deracheha
What mourning practices apply as we approach Tish'a Be-Av? Do they have particular relevance for women?
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For more articles on Tisha BeAv see the VBM's Three Weeks Journal
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